2 Uses for Garage Slatwall You Might Not Have Considered

Garage slatwall is an excellent option for organizing your tool Uses for Garage Slatwall You Might Not Have Consideredshed because it allows you to quickly and easily install hangers and other storage items directly on the wall. Everything from garment hooks to storage baskets to tool hangers and bike hangers can be inserted into your slatwall, allowing you to store a wide variety of objects on your wall, freeing up space on your garage floor and in your toolshed. You probably already knew you could use slatwall to help you organize your garage and toolshed, but we have a couple other uses for slatwall you might not have considered.

Unusual Idea #1: Laundry Room Slatwall

Don’t make the mistake of thinking slatwall can only be used in your garage. It’s also perfect for the laundry room. Need someplace to put your detergent, bleach, dryer sheets, etc. when they’re not in use? If you have slatwall installed in your laundry room, you can use it to put a rack or small shelf right on the wall so you can always have your laundry products handy when you’re loading the washer.

Need someplace to hang a particularly dirty towel or jacket until you have a chance to wash it? Or maybe you have clothes that need to hang dry. With a slatwall, you can easily install garment hooks on the wall right by the washing machine so you can be sure to hang those laundry items in a place where you won’t forget to wash them (or to grab them and put them away if they’re clean and hanging dry).

Regardless of how you use slatwall in your laundry room, we offer free consultations to help you get the most out of your laundry room and turn a chore into a joy.

Unusual Idea #2: Closet Slatwall

Installing hooks directly onto your wall is a great way to save space in your closet. It can be the perfect place to put up some slatwall, because having the slatwall makes it that much easier to install hooks for hanging hats, belts, ties, jewelry, etc. You can even install small baskets and wire racks on your closet slatwall for storing loose items without another obvious home, such as makeup, trinkets, accessories, or clutch purses without a shoulder strap.

Whether you think your closet could benefit from some slatwall, or you want to design a completely new closet for yourself, our custom closet systems could be just what you need to help you get the closet of your dreams.

Consult a Professional

At Garage Décor and More, we have years of experience helping our clients give new life to cluttered spaces by coming up with creative ways to get the most out of the space without throwing out their valuables. By the time we get through helping our clients create a unique organizational system, they feel like they just got upgraded to a much larger space. Learn more by calling us at (618) 407-1750 or check out our gallery of information online at https://www.garagedecorandmore.com.