How to Choose the Right Garage Workbench for You

garage workbenchFor the DIYer who likes to do their own home repairs and maintenance, few things are as important as your garage workbench because that’s where the magic happens. If you’re going to do your best work on your home repairs, you need to have the right space to support your tools and materials so you can make your dreams a reality.

At the same time, there are a lot of options when it comes to choosing the right workbench for you, so if you’re not sure where to start, we have some ideas for you.

Stationary vs Rolling

Stationary garage workbenches are ideal for the DIYer who likes to have a place for everything and everything in its place. With a stationary garage workbench, all the tools you need are immediately available, especially if you choose to hang some of your tools on the wall above your workbench. Rather than running from the workbench to the wall and back, you can get more done in less time by keeping everything close to hand.

The rolling workbench is great for the DIYer who likes to bring the workbench to their project, rather than bringing their project to the workbench. It’s especially useful for large or unwieldy projects that are hard to transport to your garage workbench.

Desk vs Workbench

A lot of workbenches have storage space underneath the bench, which is great for easy access of your tools and supplies, but not so great if you want to sit down while doing your work and there’s no knee hole that gives you that opportunity.

If you want to be able to choose whether you sit or stand while doing your work, you’ll want to make sure you choose a garage workbench with a hole for you to slide your legs under while you give your feet a rest or get up close for the work that requires a lot of attention to detail.

Adjustable Legs

Since having your workbench at the right height is necessary for you to be able to work comfortably, you’ll probably want a garage workbench with adjustable legs so you can get the height you need.

The other benefit to adjustable legs is that you can adjust each leg individually so you can have a level workspace, even if you have uneven garage flooring.

Pick a Color
Last, but not least, you should think about choosing a color for your garage workbench. There’s nothing wrong with a standard black or gray, but if you want to liven up your workspace with your favorite color, there’s no reason to hold back. Whether you want a color that matches the rest of your garage, or a color that stands out so your workspace becomes the focal point of your garage, you might be surprised at how much of an impact the color of your garage workbench can have.

Your workspace should make you feel excited to get to work on your latest project, and color is a great way to evoke that feeling.

Our garage workbenches include a set of drawers and cabinets to help you keep your tools and materials close at hand while you’re working. In addition to different sizes, we also offer different colors so you can add some personality to your workspace.